Revised February 22, 2016.
1.0 Article 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be Intercounty Minor Soccer League.
2.0 Article 2: Purpose / Objectives
Intercounty Minor Soccer overall objectives are:
2.01 To encourage and promote the game of soccer.
2.02 To encourage true sportsmanship and friendly competition amongst the players and coaches.
2.03 To provide an opportunity for the children from different centre’s to play against each other in an organized and sportsmanship manner.
2.04 To offer a Co-ed Recreational League – no all-star teams or players during the May – August season.
2.05 To create a safe environment for soccer to be played in Intercounty soccer games.
3.0 Article 3: League Governance / Executive / Conveners and Committees
3.1 Executive Members
The Intercounty Soccer League Executive shall consist of single representatives from each center acting on behalf of their centre. These member conveners shall elect members to the following positions:
3.1.1 A Chairperson,
3.1.2 A Vice Chairperson
3.1.3 A Secretary, and
3.1.4 A Treasurer.
Each member will serve a term in office for a two (2) year period. Elections will take place biannually at the October Meeting. Elected positions will take office at the first meeting of the next new season.
During electionseach member excluding the chairperson shall cast a singlevote for each of the positions. In the event of a tie, the acting chairperson will cast his vote breaking the tie.
The business of the organization shall be conducted by the Executive, which shall have full control of the affairs of the organization.
At any Executive meeting a majority of representation from each centre shall constitute a quorum.
3.2 Committees
In order to manage its business of the league, the executive will charge Standing Committees and from time to time Ad Hoc Committees:
The Standing Committees will consist of the following:
3.2.1 Discipline Committee consisting of Three (3) members
3.2.2 Referee Committee consisting of Two (2) members
3.2.3 League Convener for 15U, 17U and 21U divisions, for the purpose of recording stats and standings, and the overseeing of Cup Match play and or tournaments.
3.2.4 League schedulers for the purpose of setting up schedule games.
3.2.5 Tournament Convener for the purpose of setting up schedules
4.0 Article 4: Duties of the Executive
4.1 The Chairperson
The Chairperson shall preside over all league meetings in a parliamentary manner. The Chairperson shall call for motions, the motion must be second, chair discussions, call for votes and record votes. The Chairperson will only vote in the event of a tie vote. The Chairperson shall be responsible for the general management and supervision of the affairs of the League.
4.2 The Vice Chairperson
A Vice- Chairperson shall, in the absence of the Chairperson, assume the role of the Chairperson in their absence, with the same duties and authority as the Chairperson.
4.3 The Secretary
The Secretary shall give seven days notice of all meetings of the organization to members entitled to attend. The secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings, and be the administrator of the organization’s minutes books. The executive will ensure the secretary file all minutes of meetings in the Minute Book.
4.4 The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall keep, a full and accurate account of receipts, transactions and disbursements in books belonging to the organization. The treasurer shall deposit, or cause to be deposited, all monies and their valuable effects in the name of, and to the credit of, the organization in such depositories as may be designated by the Executive of the organization. The Treasurer shall disburse or cause to be disbursed the funds of the organization as may be ordered by the executive, and shall render to the Executive a financial statement at each meeting. No money shall be withdrawn without two signatures of the Chairperson and/or the Vice-Chairperson and/or the Treasurer acting with the approval of the Executive.
5.0 Article 5: League Meetings
5.1 Meeting Schedule
The annual meeting schedule will comprise of a minimum of six meetings tentatively scheduled for the following purpose:
5.1.1 February Meeting –Annual General Meeting
This meeting is tentatively scheduled for the 4thMonday in February. This is a
General business meeting outlining the requirements for the upcoming season. A review of changes to the constitution is a standing agenda item for this meeting. Acceptance of centres for the upcoming year.
5.1.2 March Meeting - General Meeting
This meeting is tentatively scheduled for the 3rd Monday in March. March is a general meeting with centres to submit the number of teams entering the league for the coming year.
5.1.3 April Meeting - Scheduling Meeting
This meeting is tentatively scheduled for the 3rd Monday in April. The major point of discussion of this meeting is the league game schedule for the coming year.
5.1.4 June Meeting –Tournament Meeting
This meeting is tentatively scheduled for the 3rdMonday in June. June is to finalize tournament set up, pass out trophy / plaques and ribbons.
5.1.5 September Meeting - Wrap Up Meeting
This Meeting is tentatively scheduled for the 3rd Monday in September. The focus of this meeting is to discuss challenges and successes of the past season.
5.1.6 October Meeting - Constitution Bylaws and Elections
This meeting is tentatively scheduled for the 3rd Monday in October. The focus of this meeting is to review the constitution and bylaws and to complete any elections required by the constitution.
Meetings will start at 7:30 pm and will be two (2) hours long, with a half an hour extension if needed. Extension to a meeting requires a motion to be carried by the executive.
Meetings are for the members of Intercounty Soccer. Non members attending meetings need to be approved by an executive vote.
Cancellation of a meeting must be made two hours prior to the meeting time by the acting chairperson. Confirmed phone conversations will be the method to inform members of a cancelled meeting. Emergency meetings shall be scheduled, if required (with 7 days notice)
5.2 Mandatory Attendance
5.2.1 Each centre must have a representative at every Intercounty League meeting (unless extreme extenuating circumstances). If the centre is not represented; the centre will be fined $60.00 payable to the league..
5.2.2 If a centre does not pay their Annual League Fees and Fines, the centres representative will not receive a copy of the minutes. Continual default on overdue fees and fines will be reprimanded by the executive.
5.3 Order of Business at Meeting
5.3.1 General Meeting Agenda Acceptance of the Minutes of Previous Meeting Executive Report -Chairperson / Vice Chairperson / Secretary / Treasurer General Business Adjournment
5.3.2 Scheduling Meeting Agenda Acceptance of the Minutes of Previous Meeting Executive Report -Chairperson / Vice Chairperson / Secretary / Treasurer Scheduling Business Adjournment
5.3.3 Constitution, By- law and Elections Acceptance of the Minutes of Previous Meeting Review of Terms for Executive Positions Review of Teams and Membership for the coming season. Constitution and Bylaw Alterations Election of Officers General Business Adjournment
6.0 Article 6: Membership / Fees and Bonds
6.1 Membership fees
Membership to the Intercounty minor soccer shall be open to any center who is accepted by a majority vote by the executive. Centres with teams which participated in the previous season will be automatically accepted unless a motion has been carried by the executive to restrict the team. All teams are officially accepted when League fees are paid.
League fees are set annually and due at the June meeting each year. Tournament fees are set annually and are due at the June meeting each year.
6.2 Bonds
A bond of $60.00 is required by all centre’s every year. The bond will be required to be replaced within four (5) days if any infraction results in the loss of the bond. If no infraction occurs throughout the season the bonds are carried forward to the next year.
The following actions will result in the loss of the bond:
6.2.1 Centre lack representation at a required league meetings (Reference 5.2.1)
6.2.2 Late league or tournament or bond fees after due date (Reference 6.1)
6.2.3 Withdraw from tournament less than 7 days of tournament.(Reference 13.4)
6.2.4 Any team dropping out of a tournament (on tournament day. (Reference 13.4)
6.2.5 Club member suspensions (Reference 10.1.4) members removed from the league
6.2.6 Infraction of any constitution and bylaw rules.
6.2.7 Centres adding or deleting teams to the league after the March due date.
6.2.8 All centres must have at least one representative present for the entire day at the coaching / referee clinic to help with setup / cleanup / teaching or they will forfeit their bond.
7.0 Article 7: By Laws
7.01 A proposed By-laws may be introduced at any meeting.
7.02 A two-thirds majority is necessary for ratifying all Bylaws.
8.0 Article 8: Amendments
All amendments to the constitution may be introduced at meetings, following the procedure for the introduction of by-laws.
9.0 Article 9: Disciplinary Bylaws
9.01 The referee has command of the whole field (i.e., field, benches and spectators) during any organized game.
9.02 The referee will call all disciplinary actions for each game.
9.03 A disciplinary committee will be made up of three representatives from centres not involved and the Chairperson who shall have a non-voting role. If the Chairperson’s centre is involved then either the Vice-Chairperson will attend or a person appointed from a neutral centre. This person acting on behalf of the chair shall not have a vote.
9.04 The disciplinary committee will be assembled upon the request of an official request from a representative ofany centre of a game, or referee (See Article 10: Code of Conduct)
9.05 The first member of the disciplinary committee contacted is responsible for contacting all members of the committee within 24 hours of the complaint. The committee must make a decision on resolution within 48 hours of the complaint, if possible.
9.06 Infractions made against the constitution by (players / coaches) will be game suspensions. Infractions made against the constitution by centre or its executive members will be loss of bond. (6.2.6)
10.0 Article 10: Code of Conduct
10.01 The Referee has absolute authority. Players, coaches and parents must show due respect and may be taken out of the game at the Referee’s discretion.
10.02 NO Profanity will be tolerated by the players, coaches or parents.
10.03 No Smoking - players and coaches are not allowed to smoke on the Soccer Pitch (including sideline areas).
10.04 Zero Tolerance to Alcohol.
10.05 Coaches are the role models for their players. They must show respect and courtesy to their players, other coaches, most of all the referee. Verbal abuse of players, coaches and referees will not be tolerated. Players acting in unsportsmanlike conduct or behavior to other players, coaches, referees, or fans of this league will be reviewed by the disciplinary committee.
10.06 Coaches and Parents – disciplinary action when in violation of this Code of Conduct.
10.1 Complaint Process for Conduct
10.1.1 Step 1 – A formal complaint of any form for violating the code of conduct by a parent, coach, player, towards a referee, the opposing team, or this league will be submitted to the disciplinary committee. Phone contact is best, followed by email.
10.1.2 Step 2 – the first warning from the disciplinary committee will be brought to the attention of the host centre’s league representative or president in order for the host centre to deal with the concern.
10.1.3 Step 3 – Conduct resulting in a second warning from the disciplinary committee will bring a $60.00 fine charged to the host centre.
10.1.4 On the most serious cases. Steps 1 & 2 may be bypassed to step 3 and removal from the league if needed. This is at the discretion of the Disciplinary committee.
11.0 Article 11: Rules
11.01 Play will be governed by FIFA rules
12.0 Article 12; Special League Rules and Exceptions: All Teams
12.1 Recommended Minimum Goal and Ball Sizes:
Age / Grouping / Minimum Goal Size / Ball Size
7U / Tyke – 6 x 12 feet Size 3 Ball
9U / Junior – 6 x 14 feet Size 4 Ball
11U / Atoms - 7 x 18 feet Size 4 Ball
13U / Intermediate- 7 x 18 feet Size 5 Ball
15U / Senior – 8 x 24 feet Size 5 Ball
17U 8 x 24 feet Size 5 Ball
21U 8 x 24 feet Size 5 Ball
12.2 Recommended Minimum Field Sizes:
Age / Grouping / Minimum Field Size / Maximum Field Size
7U/ Tyke 90 ft x 50 ft 120 ft x 60 ft
9U/Junior 180 ft x 100 ft 210 ft x 150 ft
11U/ Atoms 210 ft x 120 ft 240 ft x 150 ft
13U / Intermediate 330 ft x 150 ft 390 ft x 330 ft - Full Field
15U / Senior 330 ft x 150 ft 390 ft x 330 ft - Full Field
17U 330 ft x 150 ft 390 ft x 330 ft - Full Field
21U 330 ft x 150 ft 390 ft x 330 ft - Full Field
2011 Actual field sizes of Centres – See Appendix C
12.3 15U-17U-21U fields are to have the penalty shot dot placed on the field at 12 yards from the goal line.
12.4 Age Groupings
Players ages as of Dec 31st of the Current Soccer Season
Age Grouping Ages
7U / Tyke – 6 and 7
9U / Junior – 8 and 9
11U / Atoms - 10 and 11
13U / Intermediate- 12 and 13
15U / Senior – 14 and 15
17U 16 and 17
21U 18, 19, 20 and 21
12.5 Duration of Games (League and Tournament)
12.5.1 Duration of League Games – Minimum Halves
Age Grouping Minimum Half Duration
7U / Tyke – 20 Minutes
9U / Junior – 30 Minutes
11U / Atoms - 35 Minutes
13U / Intermediate- 40 Minutes
15U / Senior – 45 Minutes
17U 45 Minutes
21U 45 Minutes
12.5.2 Duration of Tournament Games – Minimum Halves
Age Grouping Minimum Half Duration
7U / Tyke – 15 Minutes
9U / Junior – 15 Minutes
11U / Atoms - 20 Minutes
13U / Intermediate- 25 Minutes
15U / Senior – 25 Minutes
17U 25 Minutes
21U 45 Minutes
12.6 Delay of Game and Cancellation of Game
12.6.1 Inclement Weather / Poor field conditions
In the event of poor field conditions the home team will decide if the game is cancelled. Decisions to cancel games should be done at least two hours before game time on unplayable field conditions. Rain or lightening may delay game, both teams must wait at least 15 minutes after the last lightening flash before resuming play in the game. Teams must leave the field area immediately and seek safe shelter. Cancelling a game which has started play will be at the discretion of the referee or by unanimous consent by the coaches. In all 15-17-21 games, games will all be started, then cancelled if needed.
12.6.2 Deemed a Complete Game
Any game going the full duration as outlined in 12.5.1 or 12.5.2 will be considered to be a complete game. Any game play cancelled in accordance to item 12.6.1 after the starting of the second half (the moment the ball is kicked) will be deemed a complete game.
12.7 Required Equipment
12.7.1 All players must wear shin pads or they are not permitted to play.
12.7.2 If both teams come with same (or similar) color shirts; the home team will change colors. Coaches are encouraged to carry extra shin pads and team jersey incase players show up without these items. (If there is blood on a shirt, player may not return to game)
12.7.3 Only approved soccer shoes (no metal cleats) or soft sole running shoes will be permitted as footwear.
12.8 Restricted Roster
12.8.1 Intercounty soccer players from any division (7U, 9U, 11U, 13U, 15U, 17U) are not able to play on other OSA / competitive team AND in our league.
12.8.2 Players may be AP to a division higher. Any breach of this rule will result in loss of game(s) they played. Player will be removed from team roster
12.9 Substitutions
12.9.1 Player substitutions during a game may take place during: * goal kick * goal prior to the teams lining up at centre field, * a throw – only if the team with the possession of the ball requests to make a substitution. * player is injured, a substitution may be made for the injured player only.
12.9.2 No substitutions are permitted during the last 2 minutes of play of each half except in the event of an injured player
12.10 Tykes tournament play; Tykes will play mini soccer. During a Tyke games only the coach is permitted on the field restricted to the protected area around goalkeeper. Only obvious off sides would be called by the referee. In the event of a Faulty Throw-ins the player will be explained by the referee the fault made and allowed to retaken the throw-in. If the second throw-in is faulty the possession of the ball is turned over to the opposing team.
12.11 Number of players on field;
7u---5 players a side (4 + goalie)
9u—11u--9 players a side (8 + goalie) 7 boys on field max.
13u--15u—17u—21u--11 players a side (10 + goalie) 8 boys on field max.
12.12 Slide Tackling
7U, 9U, 11U, 13U, – There will be NO slide tackling or side tackling.
Slide tackling will only be allowed at the 15U, U17, and 21U age groupings.
12.13 All 9U, 11U and 13U games are played as single game competition. League stats will not be compiled for these age groupings.
12.14 A maximum # of boys is allowed on the field at any one time. If the team is short of girls, they can adjust the roster of girls with the other team before game time. (Subject to their approval) Red cards during game – when teams are down a player—player numbers on the field will be reduced by the same sex of the player that got the red card. (see12.11)
12.15 Teams will be allowed to request a one minute water break at half of each half (on extreme heat days and / or games with no substitute players) Players are not to leave the field. This is not a substitution.
12.16 Home team’s bench (players) is on one side, and visiting team’s bench (players) on opposite diagonals. Home team selects field position.
13.0 Article 13: Tournament Guidelines for9U/Junior, 11U/Atom & 13U/Intermediate
13.1 No over aged players (Reference 12.4)
13.2 Tournaments will be selected in March, from centre’s expressing an interest to host tournaments.
13.3 Tournament convener will oversee all 9U, 11U and 13U tournaments.
13.4 Teams must inform tournament convener 2 weeks before, of intent to stay or withdraw for each tournament. Schedules will be released the Monday prior to the Tournament Saturday. A team dropping out of the tournament with in 7 days of the tournament will result in losing their bond. If a team drops out less than 48 hours, the league will take the centres $60.00 bond as well. (A team is considered a minimum of seven (7) players.) Any team dropping out during a tournament, league will take the centres bond of $60.00. Note: long weekend tournaments – get schedules out the Thursday before to allow teams to communicate schedule to players.
13.5.1 Tournament will follow 12.6 on inclement weather.
13.5.2 Tournament rain dates will be the following Sunday starting at 1:00 p.m.
13.6 Team lists to be submitted to host centre upon arrival on day of tournament. The maximum number on a roster is strongly recommended not to exceedtwenty (20) players.
13.7 Each team will be guaranteed a minimum of 3 games (if possible)
13.8 Teams may substitute any number of players at one time. Each team will be permitted to make request for 2 substitutions per half by each team. Plus you may substitute on the opponents requested substitution. There will be no substitution in the last 2 minutes of each half or in overtime play. (Except in the event of an injured player)
13.9 A maximum of boys allowed on the field at any one time. If the team is short of girls, the team will play short players. (see 12.11)
13.10 Point system: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss.
13.11 After Round Robin Play; In the event of a Tie, the team advances
13.11.1 * with the lowest total goals against.
13.11.2 * the team with most total goals for
13.11.3 * the winning team from head to head play.
13.11.3 * If there is still a tie then penalty kicks – sudden death
13.12 Semi-final and final game ending in a tie will be decided by:
13.12.1 2-Overtime- - five minute halves – golden goal
13.12.2 Penalty kicks: 5 kickers are to be chosen from the players on the field of play until there’s a winner. (Minimum 1 girl). If still tied, 1 different kicker is to be chosen, until all11players have kicked, then start over from the players on the field of play, until the winning goal is scored in “sudden Death”. Teams with red carded players will miss their kick and will have a no goal counted for that shot.
13.13 A / B Tournaments
13.13.1 A-tournaments are designed to be of higher competition level.
13.13.2 B- tournaments are considered to be of lesser competition level. It is strongly recommended that centres with a single team enter the A tournament if the team is considered competitive.
13.13.3 Centres that are making one tournament team out of two teams are strongly recommended to enter the A tournament
13.14 Tournament Schedule in July
9U 1st Saturday after holiday weekend
11U 2nd Saturday after holiday weekend
13U 3rd Saturday after holiday weekend
13.15 Annual trophies for the A champions in each division.
14.0 Article; Coordination of 15U, 17U, 21U
14.01 A balanced schedule will be played and stats will be kept by the convener.
14.02 Players can only play for one team at the 15U, 17U, 21U levels, even if the centre has more than one team. Any coach using an illegal player (both) will receive an automatic one game suspension.
14.1 Roster Sheets of 15U, 17U, 21U
14.1.1 Must be emailed to convener before the season starts.
14.1.2 The roster sheet must include any under-aged players that may be used throughout the season. They should include a list of AP (alternate player). A maximum of twenty-five (25) player may sign for a team which includes any AP players.
14.1.3 Players can be added to the roster sheet up to half way point of the division’s schedules. They must be on the roster sheet before they can play. Email any additions to the convener.
14.2 Game Sheets of 15U, 17U, 21U
14.2.1 Game sheets must be filled out and given to refereeat half time of the game.
14.2.2 Please print in ink on game sheets, pencil does not fax well.
14.2.3 Make sure your team name, date, 15U or 17U or 21U, game number, score, coaches names and referee’s name are on the game sheet.
14.2.4 Players that may be arriving late should be on the game sheet. If the player is not there by half-time their name shall be removed from the game sheet.
14.2.5 The White Copies from both teams of Game sheets must be mailed to the convener within 48 hours of the game. The ―Winning Team‖ is to mail the results. If a Tie game, the home team is to mail the game sheets in. In the event of a forfeit game, the winning team will submit their roster so players receive credit for Tournament eligibility. Forfeited games will be a 3-0 win. If the game is cancelled, please let convener know that night. The home team is responsible to notify the league convener. The home team must provide the league convener with a reschedule date within 7 days of cancelled game and 7 days notice for a reschedule. The visiting team has 3 days to confirm date. Only 2 dates will be used to reschedule a game, then it will be a forfeit.
14.2.6 The coaches must call the club convenor,and the club convenor will call the league convenor within 24 hours if a red card is given during a game or 9.0.6 will be enforced.
Players must sit the next game as their suspension.
14.3 Cup Games of 15U, 17U, 21U
14.3.1 Cup Game play will be a tournament and / or Cup play. Seeding for the tournament will be established by league play standings as of 1 week prior to Tournament date. All 21-U Cup games will start at 6:30 pm, and must be complete games. If no winner due to tie at rain out, game will be replayed the following Friday night.
14.3.2 If teams are tied in points the following tie breaker will be used;
Number of wins
Record against other tied team(s)
Goals scored minus the goals against with other tied team(s)
Fewest goals allowed against in all games (of the final standings)
Flip of a coin
14.3.3 All players must play 50% of league games to be eligible of cup play. This excludes roistered AP players. (In the event of a forfeited game the forfeited game, will be considered as a game played by only the non forfeiting team.)
14.3.4 Point system: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss.
After Round Robin Play; In the event of a Tie, the team advances
* with the lowest total goals against.
* the team with most total goals for
* the winning team from head to head play.
* If there is still a tie then penalty kicks – sudden death
Semi-final and final game ending in a tie will be decided by:
Overtime-2 - five minute halves – golden goal
Penalty kicks: 5 kickers are to be chosen from the players on the field of play until there’s a winner. (Minimum 1 girl). If still tied, 1 different kicker is to be chosen, until all11 players have kicked, then start over from the players on the field of play, until the winning goal is scored in “sudden Death”Teams with red carded players will miss their kick and will have a no goal counted for that shot.
14.3.5 Teams may substitute any number of players at one time. Each team will be permitted to make request for 2 substitutions per half by each team. (Plus you may
substitute on the opponents requested substitution.) There will be no substitution in the last 2 minutes of each half or in overtime play. Except in the event of an injured player. 21U cup games will have regular unlimited substitution games.
14.3.6 2 yellow cards in all tournament play games = 1 red card. Players will sit next game.
14.4 Further Rules for of 15U, 17U, 21U
14.4.1 During League and tournament play, there is a maximum of 8 boys allowed on the field. If a team cannot fill the three girl’s positions at any time during the game, the team will play short. Red cards during game – when teams are down a player—player numbers on the field will be reduced by the same sex of the player that got the red card
14.4.2 Players that receive a red card must miss the remainder of the game they receive the red card in, and the player must leave the field area as determined by, or at the discretion of the referee. They also miss the next scheduled game. Players are not permitted to join his / her team on bench or playing field as a suspended player, their name must appear on the game sheet as a suspended player.
A player receiving 3 red cards will be dealt with by the discipline committee. Red card suspensions will be carried over to the next year.
14.4.3 If either team fails to show up with not enough players (7), they will be fined in the amount of the referee fees and they will forfeit the game.
14.4.4 15-17-21 games that are not played on the schedule will be treated as a forfeit (3-0 win) only games that are canceled due to weather will be rescheduled. If there is poor weather in last 2 weeks of the schedule, then game is not re-scheduled and 1 point is awarded to each team.
14.5 Tournament Schedule
Tournaments will be selected in March, from centres expressing an interest to host tournaments.
15U Last Saturday in July (unless it is a long weekend)
17U 2nd Saturday in August
21U Playoff Series format (all games will have a 6:30 pm start on Sundays for playoffs)
Tournament will follow 12.6 on inclement weather.Tournament rain dates will be the following Sunday starting at 1;00pm.
14.6 Annual trophies for league champs and tournament winners in each division
15.0 Article; Spirit of Play for Inter county Soccer League
15.1 In the past, our league has prided itself in sportsmanship of its teams. To run the league effectively, it is important to always keep in mind, when communicating to others; coaches, players, parents and fans the true value of sportsmanship.
15.2 To win the game is good, to play the game is great, and to love the game is the greatest. This Constitution is to be read by those participating. If it is read and understood by all, its implementation is simple.
15.3 Team Reps ensure all those involved from your centre have personal copies of the
Constitution. This includes coach, players and fans. Take the time to highlight the key elements of the constitution to the team and parents.
15.4 Appendix D Sportsmanship of Game –
Appendix A Referee Committee Proposed Changes for 2007 Season
Applying to 15U, 17U, 21U Age Groupings
A1.0 Referee Education:
A1.1 Review of all new rules and regulations- approximately 15 minutes at the Referee’s Scheduling Meeting
A1.2 Outline of general conduct rules and guidelines for game officials.
A1.3 Correct filling out of game sheets
A1.4 Request that all carded referees pay their dues to keep their official card status up–to-date. (Paid by home centre)
A2.0 Referee Scheduling
A2.1 Game assignments: Propose that referees will be awarded half of their games to be home games and the rest will be away games. This will be set up at the scheduling meeting.
A2.2 Referee phone contact lists and Referee schedule for the Game # will be sent to all teams. Ensure you call the referees in the event of a game cancellation.
A3.0 Supervision of Referees:
A3.1 The members of the referee committee will attempt to watch at least two games conducted by each referee. A short summary of each referee will be used to evaluate referees and also help to determine which officials are capable to be selected for cup games.
A3.2 Referee Complaint Form: A form will be set up and given to all referees to fill out at any time they have to deal with some form of misconduct at a game. This form will be immediately emailed to the league convener and also will be kept for future incidents.
A4.0 Gamesmanship (15U, 17U and 21U)
A4.1 All home centres will have 2 lines persons for each game (if possible carded referees or referees in training). The referees will be encouraged to properly instruct these budding officials and use them mainly to call out of bounds infractions. This applies to regular league games only.
A4.2 Referees will be encouraged to count exact number of players for each time at half time to ensure that players line up with numbers on the official game sheets. All extra players will be crossed off. Sheets are to be collected at Halftime.
Appendix B Referee Rules and Fees
B1 For all 9U, 11U and 13U league games each centre will supply own referee and are highly recommended to supply their own lines people. (Carded referees if possible)
B2 For 15U, 17U and 21U referees will be assigned by the league must be at least two years older than those playing. Referees must be carded. The host centre is responsible for paying the referee immediately after the game. Host team is to pay referee regardless if game is finished. Re-scheduled games will be paid for home centre. Referees require 24 hours notice or they will get paid for that game. The referee is preferably from another centre. Lines-persons must be supplied by the host centre. (League games only)
Recommended Age should be 14 years old and up for lining. 15u-17u-21u games.
B2a Any centre cancelling a game for 15-U, 17-U, 21-U with less than 24 hours notice will be responsible for 100% of referee and linesmen costs. Failure to pay will result in the centre losing its bond.
B3 For 9U, 11U, 13U tournaments, the league will coordinate the referees. The host centre will coordinate the lines-persons. The final game will be refereed and lines-person by carded referee officials only. (if possible)
B3a For 15U, 17U, 21U Tournaments the league will coordinate the referees and lines – persons. The final game will be refereed and lines persons by carded referee officials only. (If possible)
B4 Recommended Referee Fees
B4a League Play
9U ----$20.00--- $10.00
11U--- $20.00--- $10.00
13U--- $25.00--- $10.00
15U--- $50.00--- $15.00
17U--- $50.00--- $15.00
21U--- $60.00--- $20.00
B4b Tournament and Cup Play
Game Times of---Referee----- Lines-person
2 x 15minutes----$15.00 ---$10.00
2 x 20 minutes---$20.00--- $10.00
2 x 25 minutes---$25.00 ---$15.00
15U---$30.00 ----$20.00
17U---$30.00 ----$20.00
21U --$60.00 ----$30.00
B5 Recommended Uniform:
Referee and linesmen are encouraged to wear black shorts, black socks, and black shirt (or any professional looking uniform) NO use of cell phones, texting or umbrellas during game time.
If a referee does not show, attempts are made by the home coach to get a referee with a delay in game. Second option is to reschedule this game)
12.8 PLAYERS Not able to play on other OSA / competitive team AND in our league play
-take out (other league)* do all centres ask this question about playing on other centres……
B-2 host team is to pay referee regardless if game is finished. A re-scheduled game will be repaid for rescheduled and paid by home centre.
What do we show in a no show ref---coach will phone the scheduled ref to see if he is coming. Reduce halves and reduce referee fee.
(Take out B-2) and put up above